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Feature Requests

Feature Requests

We’re in the process of migrating our previous features requests to this new area of the website. There may be existing requests that are not yet listed below, and we thank you for your patience during the migration.

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1 vote

Ability to Turn Off Pending Transactions

I saw a previous thread explaining why you can't modify the category on a pending transaction which makes sense. But since the pending transaction auto categorizes itself sometimes to the wrong category, you get email notifications about budget overages and also when you check your budget (ie. "What do I have left in my food […]

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1 vote

Better Less Frequent Notifications

Have notifications trigger only when a transaction triggers it. NOT every day that a budget is over. For example, if my rent is due on the 1st. I'll get an email every single day telling me I'm more than 80% to my budget for rent. Multiply that by all your budget lines then by end of […]

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1 vote

Renamed subCategories not updating with rulesub

So I renamed a subcategory from OLDNAME to NEWNAME. It seems that any rules set to categorize the transaction to the OLDNAME remains at the OLDNAME instead of updating to the NEWNAME. It would be nice to have the rule to automatically update with the renamed change. I am sure this would be easier once […]

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1 vote

Data uploader for large edits

The app is very clunky and the website is clearly a ways off. The "edit all" feature only does so much. A data loader – allowing us to load the CSVs from our accounts to build a history, or manage large edits.

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1 vote

Modifications to pending transactions

Often I will go to modify a transaction after I make it while it is still pending, but I am unable to edit it (because it is pending). By the time it posts, I have forgotten about it. This negatively affects the precision of my monthly and yearly historical budgets. I understand there would need […]

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1 vote

Better description for Fidelity Investments and Schwab transactions

Many my Fidelity Investments transactions, just say "Fidelity" or "Charles Schwab". I have to open it to see the description (e.g. "You BOUGHT XXX" "You SOLD XXX". be nice to have a more descriptive title for us to scan through without the need to open the full transaction detail

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1 vote

Choose main category for transaction

For some transactions, I prefer to use the main category (eg, “travel”) instead of the granular subcategories. It would be nice to be able to select the main category for a transaction, and also set budget numbers at this level too

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1 vote

Different app icon options

The ability to change the app icon. Different colors and/or designs. Ability to follow phone system light/dark mode

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1 vote

Edit missing institution / missing account name

I created a transaction but did not put the institution/account because I still had to add it to the list. There could be an option to add it while creating the transaction, but my current issue is that after I added the account, I cannot go back and edit the institution/account in the transaction details.

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1 vote

Additional logic for transaction rules

When creating a rule for a transaction please allow the option to change the rule conditionally on more than just the merchant. For example I work for the credit card company that I use, so in order to have an accurate budget I need to tag every single credit card payment as such otherwise it […]

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1 vote

Manually add crypto

adding crypto with the current price listed

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1 vote

Rename future transactions automatically

When I rename a transaction and choose ‘Apply to all’, it would be helpful if future transactions with the same name were also renamed.

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4 votes

Apple Card Support with new iOS APIs

The new iOS APIs for Apple Card allow iOS users to download their Apple Card transactions more often than once per month. Please look into using the new APIs for iOS users. Thank you!

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1 vote

Tag frequent transactions

There should be a way to set a rule to tag and apply to budget based on historic transactions. For example, my husband and I have separate checking accounts and a joint account. His monthly transfer to our joint account is income that goes toward the rest of my expenses. I should be able to […]

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3 votes

UI look/feel

Piere is feature rich and has some pretty good UX. That said, I think it needs a bit of a redesign in terms of styling/fonts/assets/etc. Not only would this make Piere feel more premium (it functions that way!), but it would make it easier and more attractive to market

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5 votes

Hide from Budget Based on Tag

There needs to be a feature to allow transactions to be automatically hidden from budget if a certain tag is applied (based on user's setting of said tag). This was a very basic feature from Mint even during Mint's early days (i.e. we all have a ton of transactions that shouldn't apply to our budget, […]

9 votes

Budget for Parent Categories instead of Sub-Categories

Budget needs to be based on main category, not dozens of sub categories. It makes no sense to have budgets for 5-6 items each per main category, that is too granular and extremely cumbersome to the point that budgeting is near-useless. If I budget $500 for food, it shouldn't matter if I'm spending on fast […]

5 votes

Set account as Closed

There should be the ability to set an account as closed and keep the transaction history and zero out the balance of the account. It seems that once an account has closed, the balance is stuck at the last balance and does not update to $0

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2 votes

Account List: Appear in alphabetical order

The account list ordering seems random. This is under 1) Add manual transaction==> Account and ) Transaction/Report Filter==> Account and 3) Under my institution to reconnect/connect an account It would be nice to have the ordering to be alphabetical order by custom account name or institution, so one can easily find an account

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2 votes

Split Transaction: Have a Primary Bucket to Deduct from

I purchase a gift card for $200 as the main transaction. Of course, I won't use this gift card all at once, so I use split transaction every time I make a purchase with this gift card. Every time I split the transaction, the "main" transaction where it deduct the balance from is random Example Day 1 Transaction […]

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3 votes

Allow User to Disable Rule Prompt

I’ve seen many rule related requests on the feature board. Can we please have the option to disable the Rule prompt when changing a txn category? It is incredibly annoying to keep discarding that pop up every time. Or worrying about accidentally tapping on “apply to all”.

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1 vote

Top line account balances on Home Screen

Overview of account balances on the main dashboard. Quicken Simplifi has cards for: Banking total - Cash & Checking total - Savings total - Credit Card total Property & Debt total - Property total - Debt total Investing total - Brokerage total - Retirement total - Other investments total Net Worth total - Banking total - Property & Debt total - Investments total You can swipe between the four cards and […]

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6 votes

A true iPad version with proper scaling

The current iOS app on iPad is just in a phone sized window. Could really use a dedicated iPad app with better scaling and layout

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2 votes

Autosave after selecting a category

When editing a transaction it would be really nice to not have to select the category, then click save, then click apply to all or just once. If I am selecting the category, I obviously want it to save.

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3 votes

See growth by account

It would be great to filter the Net Worth chart on the growth page by individual account.

8 votes

Breakout Transaction Rules

Transaction rules should apply to either past, future, or all groups of transactions instead of requiring the rule to be applied to all

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4 votes

Requests for New Institutions

Below is a list of institutions we have requested be added by MX. If they are on this list it means MX has been unable to add them at this time, but they are aware they need to be added. Outstanding requests for new institutions: Alight Solutions – MUFG Alight Solutions – Ford Alight Solutions […]

2 votes

Customer API access for account/transaction data

I would like to have API access that customers can use to pull their own data. Piere does all the hard work of connecting to all my various accounts and pulling transactions into one place. It would be nice to use an API to get this info for use with automations, tying into third-party services, […]

1 vote

Track progress towards retirement by x-age

Essentially something similar to wealthfront’s retirement tracker that can help user estimate whether they are on track to retire by a certain age the user desires. This can be based on current trends/budgets and what the user expects to spend per month in retirement. Unlike wealthfront, user should be able to determine which accounts are […]

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