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Name Your Own Price – Referral

Name your own price for Piere

Lucky you! A good friend is looking out for you, and has sent you this limited-time offer to pay what you want for Piere Plus+.


Use the slider below to choose the price you’re willing to pay for a year of Piere Plus+.


Submit your offer and hang tight to see if it’s instantly accepted.


If we accept, pay for your full year of advanced financial intelligence at the price you chose!

Submit your offer now:

If accepted, the price you choose is the price you'll pay for a year of Piere Plus+.* No strings attached.

Please wait to download the app and create your Piere account until after we've emailed you confirmation that your new account is ready.

* Pay what you want by choosing a price from the range slider. Accepted offers will auto-renew at the standard Piere Plus+ price.

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